Monday, May 14, 2007

Spider Man if he cant do it no one can

So i know its been a really long time since I wrote my last blog entry. I just been a tad busy and I haven't had the time to up load pics and get a bit of free time to just lay back and write. Its one of those things that I have to be in the mood to do. So ill tell you what I did about two weeks ago, Right around the time spider man 3 came out. By the way the movie suck sucks sucks and I am so disappointed. I wanted to walk out of the theater. So if you have a date make sure to watch anything other then the movie. but back to my story, My friend David invited me (get this) to the Spider man 3 game pre mire party, I invited Cornell and Branden to come but only Branden came. We got to play the video game which is really really good. I am tempted to get a play station 3 now, There really wasn't much to the night. only that it was open bar and we all had a really nice time. Thx David

Hope all you guys are well
Jonathan Vargas


Unknown said...

oo i worked that night. mad tired.

whateve beaver.


Anonymous said...

Jon where the hell have you been? i'm just kidding tired and busy i asume and I saw spiderman 3 I wasn't impressed I liked part 1 and 2 better but the fight scenes were awesome and the video game I have on Xbox360 I don't know about the Playstation 3 yet i'm not a Playstation fan and the Ps3 isn't doing too well for me but if you like it go for it. But it look likes you had fun :)

Grahamburger said...

You went to a premeire party? Jonathan, you're like a high-roller now! Ahhh! I am thrilled that you got to do that!

Damn, I need to live in New York so I can do these things. :P